What Is The Best Fuel To Use For BBQs?

What Is The Best Fuel To Use For BBQs?

With spring bulbs starting to poke their way above ground – despite the odd frosty night meaning we still have to scrape our car windscreens some mornings – thoughts are inevitably turning towards the warmer months when we can enjoy the outdoors a bit more.

For many, that means the opportunity for getting friends or family around for a barbecue. 

If you’re new to the world of barbecuing, you’re looking to upgrade on your old model, or you’re just not 100% satisfied with the results you’ve been getting in previous years, you might be wondering which is the best fuel to go for to get the best taste – and even smell – out of your al fresco food.

Thankfully, the barbecue experts at KG Smith & Son are here to help you out with all you need to know.

Different BBQ fuel types

The different BBQ fuel types

Wood or charcoal?

Wood or charcoal

If you want the authentic smoky taste and aroma of a perfect barbecue, chances are you’ll be wanting to use either wood or charcoal to cook your food. Both are more than acceptable choices, but it’s worth making the effort to get the right quality that will deliver the desired results. 

Our restaurant-grade BBQ coal is made of 100% recycled wood, meaning that it gives a clean burn without the sort of chemicals and additives that can often leave an unpleasant extra taste. It also burns at a consistent heat for a long time, meaning that your food is cooked evenly without the need for you to be constantly refilling your BBQ with more. And because it is so popular with restaurants across the country, you can be confident that at the top of the list of benefits is producing the succulent, smoky taste you’re after.

The right kind of properly dried wood should also give your food that delicious smoky aroma – oak and mesquite are good for steaks and other strong meats, or choose lighter wood or fruit trees for fish and veg. However, you’re probably going to have to work quite a bit harder to ensure your food is cooked evenly, leaving you less time for concentrating on important tasks like preparing other food and spending time with your guests.

Propane, butane or patio gas?

Propane, butane or patio gas?

While we may vote for good quality charcoal as our favourite BBQ fuel – with wood a close second – we understand that not everyone has the time and/or confidence to use the kind of fuel that needs effort to both get and keep it burning. 

If that’s you, using a grill powered by gas from a bottle is probably the best solution, but with several types of fuel available, it’s not always easy to know which is best. 

The first thing you need to know is that patio gas is actually propane, but in smaller quantities specifically for domestic use. In which case, the simple question comes down to propane or butane?

Many BBQ fans sing the praises of propane, mainly because butane can leave an extra unwanted taste on the food it’s cooking. On the other hand, butane tends to win out on energy efficiency and value – serious matters for consideration, especially if you’re using your BBQ regularly.

Read our earlier blog for more details on the different types of gas bottles and their relative benefits.


KG Smith & Son is a leading supplier of BBQ fuel


Here at KG Smith & Son, we’re a leading supplier of BBQ fuel, including professional grade charcoal, lumpwood charcoal, charcoal briquettes and Calor gas bottles to businesses, restaurants and homes across the UK. You can order your charcoal online now, but if you want to order gas bottles or just get some expert advice on the best fuel for your BBQ, please get in touch with us today.



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